Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Upside Down

King Solomon said G-d Created man straightforward, but they desired numerous calculations.

Grains grow with fiber & nutrients, man "refines" it, the result empty white powder.

Cows produce whole milk, man skims homoggines & pasteurizes it empty white liquid

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Big sis or PIG sis

Stick up for your rights, make Nov 24 no fly day let the airlines  get “felt up” their pocket . Close down the TSA Total S**t Agency, airlines care more for bottom line which is, when customer feel safe & comfortable the generate revenue, just wait for the truth which lobbyist bribed which politician to get these dangerous useless scanners in

Maybe I should open a luxury short trip shuttle service, first class comfort without the  price , NY to Boston & Washington etc,cell phone internet & other comforts on all short haul trips have been researching the details, any investors ready ?

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Wake up

When will we wake up & smell the coffee

ObamaScrare really scary

Don’t we have enough red tape big government medaling with our lives?

How come the Swiss live healthier & longer lives yet spend way below half of the US on so called “healthcare?”

How come 2008 New Yorkers could sue the car leasing company when a car was involved in a crash , but vaccine manufacturers have unlimited immunity even when proven beyond any doubt that they are at fault for injury or death

healt S-care Deform
